Thursday, January 3, 2008

Why do socks always disappear?

Have you ever wondered what the inside of a washing machine looks like? Not the basin you put your clothes, but the actual inside. I hadn't.......until tonight! Brooke had put a load of laundry in and it wouldn't drain the water out of the basin. After a call to my know it all handy man, aka Dad, I decided fix the problem myself. You would be surprised at how little there really is to the inner workings of a washing machine. The other thing that would surprise you, the amount of water that your washing machine holds. I mean copious amounts of water, a cornucopia of water, a plethora of H2O, and it goes when you take the water pump loose. After all was said and done, the of Van's socks had gotten lodged in the pump. It really was an easy fix.

The meaning behind the always thought your washing machine ate your socks. It is true, and if you get lucky it may just choke on it as well.

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